F4F Writing includes journal articles and books about filmmaking for research purposes as well as reflections on our methods for F4F film projects such as, Black Snow (2017), British Born Chinese (2015), Horror in the Andes (2019) and Half Elf (2020). Publications listed here, focus on aspects of filmmaking theory and craft which currently include, ethics (Barabantseva and Lawrence, 2015), filming memory (Dietrich and Ulfe, 2018 & Dietrich 2020) and working with archives (Linstead and Lawrence, in press), written from different disciplinary perspectives such as organisation studies, politics, anthropology and history. William Callahan’s book Sensible Politics (Oxford University Press) is essential reading for anyone with an interest in an audio-visual approach to international relations. Andy Lawrence’s Filmmaking for Fieldwork: a practical handbook (Manchester University Press) is aimed at documentary professionals, researchers and students across the disciplines looking for a practical introduction to the techniques and procedures of ethnographic filmmaking. It includes the pedagogies and course content that we have developed over fifteen years teaching our F4F training courses. Lastly, we are eagerly awaiting the publication of the follow-up to our handbook, Empirical Art: filmmaking for fieldwork in practice (Manchester University Press) edited by Andy Lawrence and Martha-Cecilia Dietrich with an afterword from David MacDougall, which brings together reflections on cinema practice as theory-making in fourteen case studies of ethnographic filmmaking, some of which were developed with F4F Project Support.